Search Results: "manuel"

14 September 2020

Emmanuel Kasper: Using Debian and RHEL troubleshootings containers on Kubernetes & OpenShift

You can connect to a running pod with oc/kubectl rsh pod_name, or start a copy of a running pod with oc debug pod_name, but as best practises recommend unprivileged, slim container images, where do you get sosreport, kdump, dig and nmap for troubleshooting ? Fortunately you can start either a transient Debian troubleshooting container with:oc run troubleshooting-pod --stdin --tty --rm a Red Hat Entreprise Linux:
oc run troubleshooting-pod --stdin --tty --rm

14 August 2020

Markus Koschany: My Free Software Activities in July 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in August) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you. Debian Games
Debian Java Misc Debian LTS This was my 53. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 15 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Rapha l Hertzog. In that time I did the following: ELTS Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 8 Jessie . This was my 26. month and I have been paid to work 13,25 hours on ELTS. Thanks for reading and see you next time.

2 July 2020

Emmanuel Kasper: Test a webcam from the command line on Linux with VLC

Since this info was too well hidden on the internet, here is the information:
cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0
and there you go.
If you have multiple cameras connected, you can try /dev/video0 up to /dev/video5

30 June 2020

Emmanuel Kasper: Learning openshift: a good moment to revisit awk too

I can t believe I spent all these years using only grep. Most of us know how to use awk to print the nth column of a file:
$ awk ' print $1 ' /etc/hosts
will print all IP addresses from /etc/hosts But you can also do filtering before printing the chosen column:
$ awk '$5 >= 2  print $2 ' /path/to/file
will print the second column of all lines, where the 5th column is greater than 2. That would have been hard with grep. Now I can use that to find out all deployments on my openshift cluster, where the number of current replicas is greater than 2.
$ oc get deployments --all-namespaces   awk '$5 >= 2  print $2 '
I know that openshift/kubernetes both have a powerful query selector syntax, but for the moment awk will do.

4 June 2020

Reproducible Builds: Reproducible Builds in May 2020

Welcome to the May 2020 report from the Reproducible Builds project. One of the original promises of open source software is that distributed peer review and transparency of process results in enhanced end-user security. Nonetheless, whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free and open source software for malicious flaws, almost all software today is distributed as pre-compiled binaries. This allows nefarious third-parties to compromise systems by injecting malicious code into seemingly secure software during the various compilation and distribution processes. In these reports we outline the most important things that we and the rest of the community have been up to over the past month.

News The Corona-Warn app that helps trace infection chains of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 in Germany had a feature request filed against it that it build reproducibly. A number of academics from Cornell University have published a paper titled Backstabber s Knife Collection which reviews various open source software supply chain attacks:
Recent years saw a number of supply chain attacks that leverage the increasing use of open source during software development, which is facilitated by dependency managers that automatically resolve, download and install hundreds of open source packages throughout the software life cycle.
In related news, the LineageOS Android distribution announced that a hacker had access to the infrastructure of their servers after exploiting an unpatched vulnerability. Marcin Jachymiak of the Sia decentralised cloud storage platform posted on their blog that their siac and siad utilities can now be built reproducibly:
This means that anyone can recreate the same binaries produced from our official release process. Now anyone can verify that the release binaries were created using the source code we say they were created from. No single person or computer needs to be trusted when producing the binaries now, which greatly reduces the attack surface for Sia users.
Synchronicity is a distributed build system for Rust build artifacts which have been published to The goal of Synchronicity is to provide a distributed binary transparency system which is independent of any central operator. The Comparison of Linux distributions article on Wikipedia now features a Reproducible Builds column indicating whether distributions approach and progress towards achieving reproducible builds.

Distribution work In Debian this month: In Alpine Linux, an issue was filed and closed regarding the reproducibility of .apk packages. Allan McRae of the ArchLinux project posted their third Reproducible builds progress report to the arch-dev-public mailing list which includes the following call for help:
We also need help to investigate and fix the packages that fail to reproduce that we have not investigated as of yet.
In openSUSE, Bernhard M. Wiedemann published his monthly Reproducible Builds status update.

Software development

diffoscope Chris Lamb made the changes listed below to diffoscope, our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues. He also prepared and uploaded versions 142, 143, 144, 145 and 146 to Debian, PyPI, etc.
  • Comparison improvements:
    • Improve fuzzy matching of JSON files as file now supports recognising JSON data. (#106)
    • Refactor .changes and .buildinfo handling to show all details (including the GnuPG header and footer components) even when referenced files are not present. (#122)
    • Use our BuildinfoFile comparator (etc.) regardless of whether the associated files (such as the orig.tar.gz and the .deb) are present. [ ]
    • Include GnuPG signature data when comparing .buildinfo, .changes, etc. [ ]
    • Add support for printing Android APK signatures via apksigner(1). (#121)
    • Identify iOS App Zip archive data as .zip files. (#116)
    • Add support for Apple Xcode .mobilepovision files. (#113)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Don t print a traceback if we pass a single, missing argument to diffoscope (eg. a JSON diff to re-load). [ ]
    • Correct differences typo in the ApkFile handler. (#127)
  • Output improvements:
    • Never emit the same id="foo" anchor reference twice in the HTML output, otherwise identically-named parts will not be able to linked to via a #foo anchor. (#120)
    • Never emit an empty id anchor either; it is not possible to link to #. [ ]
    • Don t pretty-print the output when using the --json presenter; it will usually be too complicated to be readable by the human anyway. [ ]
    • Use the SHA256 over MD5 hash when generating page names for the HTML directory-style presenter. (#124)
  • Reporting improvements:
    • Clarify the message when we truncate the number of lines to standard error [ ] and reduce the number of maximum lines printed to 25 as usually the error is obvious by then [ ].
    • Print the amount of free space that we have available in our temporary directory as a debugging message. [ ]
    • Clarify Command [ ] failed with exit code messages to remove duplicate exited with exit but also to note that diffoscope is interpreting this as an error. [ ]
    • Don t leak the full path of the temporary directory in Command [ ] exited with 1 messages. (#126)
    • Clarify the warning message when we cannot import the debian Python module. [ ]
    • Don t repeat stderr from if both commands emit the same output. [ ]
    • Clarify that an external command emits for both files, otherwise it can look like we are repeating itself when, in reality, it is being run twice. [ ]
  • Testsuite improvements:
    • Prevent apksigner test failures due to lack of binfmt_misc, eg. on Salsa CI and elsewhere. [ ]
    • Drop .travis.yml as we use Salsa instead. [ ]
  • Dockerfile improvements:
    • Add a .dockerignore file to whitelist files we actually need in our container. (#105)
    • Use ARG instead of ENV when setting up the DEBIAN_FRONTEND environment variable at runtime. (#103)
    • Run as a non-root user in container. (#102)
    • Install/remove the build-essential during build so we can install the recommended packages from Git. [ ]
  • Codebase improvements:
    • Bump the officially required version of Python from 3.5 to 3.6. (#117)
    • Drop the (default) shell=False keyword argument to subprocess.Popen so that the potentially-unsafe shell=True is more obvious. [ ]
    • Perform string normalisation in Black [ ] and include the Black output in the assertion failure too [ ].
    • Inline MissingFile s special handling of deb822 to prevent leaking through abstract layers. [ ][ ]
    • Allow a bare try/except block when cleaning up temporary files with respect to the flake8 quality assurance tool. [ ]
    • Rename in_dsc_path to dsc_in_same_dir to clarify the use of this variable. [ ]
    • Abstract out the duplicated parts of the debian_fallback class [ ] and add descriptions for the file types. [ ]
    • Various commenting and internal documentation improvements. [ ][ ]
    • Rename the Openssl command class to OpenSSLPKCS7 to accommodate other command names with this prefix. [ ]
  • Misc:
    • Rename the --debugger command-line argument to --pdb. [ ]
    • Normalise filesystem stat(2) birth times (ie. st_birthtime) in the same way we do with the stat(1) command s Access: and Change: times to fix a nondeterministic build failure in GNU Guix. (#74)
    • Ignore case when ordering our file format descriptions. [ ]
    • Drop, add and tidy various module imports. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
In addition:
  • Jean-Romain Garnier fixed a general issue where, for example, LibarchiveMember s has_same_content method was called regardless of the underlying type of file. [ ]
  • Daniel Fullmer fixed an issue where some filesystems could only be mounted read-only. (!49)
  • Emanuel Bronshtein provided a patch to prevent a build of the Docker image containing parts of the build s. (#123)
  • Mattia Rizzolo added an entry to debian/py3dist-overrides to ensure the rpm-python module is used in package dependencies (#89) and moved to using the new execute_after_* and execute_before_* Debhelper rules [ ].

Chris Lamb also performed a huge overhaul of diffoscope s website:
  • Add a completely new design. [ ][ ]
  • Dynamically generate our contributor list [ ] and supported file formats [ ] from the main Git repository.
  • Add a separate, canonical page for every new release. [ ][ ][ ]
  • Generate a latest release section and display that with the corresponding date on the homepage. [ ]
  • Add an RSS feed of our releases [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] and add to Planet Debian [ ].
  • Use Jekyll s absolute_url and relative_url where possible [ ][ ] and move a number of configuration variables to _config.yml [ ][ ].

Upstream patches The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month, we wrote a large number of such patches, including:

Other tools Elsewhere in our tooling: strip-nondeterminism is our tool to remove specific non-deterministic results from a completed build. In May, Chris Lamb uploaded version 1.8.1-1 to Debian unstable and Bernhard M. Wiedemann fixed an off-by-one error when parsing PNG image modification times. (#16) In disorderfs, our FUSE-based filesystem that deliberately introduces non-determinism into directory system calls in order to flush out reproducibility issues, Chris Lamb replaced the term dirents in place of directory entries in human-readable output/log messages [ ] and used the astyle source code formatter with the default settings to the main disorderfs.cpp source file [ ]. Holger Levsen bumped the debhelper-compat level to 13 in disorderfs [ ] and reprotest [ ], and for the GNU Guix distribution Vagrant Cascadian updated the versions of disorderfs to version 0.5.10 [ ] and diffoscope to version 145 [ ].

Project documentation & website
  • Carl Dong:
  • Chris Lamb:
    • Rename the Who page to Projects . [ ]
    • Ensure that Jekyll enters the _docs subdirectory to find the _docs/ file after an internal move. (#27)
    • Wrap etc. in preformatted quotes. [ ]
    • Wrap the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH Python examples onto more lines to prevent visual overflow on the page. [ ]
    • Correct a preferred spelling error. [ ]
  • Holger Levsen:
    • Sort our Academic publications page by publication year [ ] and add Trusting Trust and Fully Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling [ ].
  • Juri Dispan:

Testing framework We operate a large and many-featured Jenkins-based testing framework that powers that, amongst many other tasks, tracks the status of our reproducibility efforts as well as identifies any regressions that have been introduced. Holger Levsen made the following changes:
  • System health status:
    • Improve page description. [ ]
    • Add more weight to proxy failures. [ ]
    • More verbose debug/failure messages. [ ][ ][ ]
    • Work around strangeness in the Bash shell let VARIABLE=0 exits with an error. [ ]
  • Debian:
    • Fail loudly if there are more than three .buildinfo files with the same name. [ ]
    • Fix a typo which prevented /usr merge variation on Debian unstable. [ ]
    • Temporarily ignore PHP s horde]( packages in Debian bullseye. [ ]
    • Document how to reboot all nodes in parallel, working around molly-guard. [ ]
  • Further work on a Debian package rebuilder:
    • Workaround and document various issues in the debrebuild script. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Improve output in the case of errors. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Improve documentation and future goals [ ][ ][ ][ ], in particular documentiing two real world tests case for an impossible to recreate build environment [ ].
    • Find the right source package to rebuild. [ ]
    • Increase the frequency we run the script. [ ][ ][ ][ ]
    • Improve downloading and selection of the sources to build. [ ][ ][ ]
    • Improve version string handling.. [ ]
    • Handle build failures better. [ ]. [ ]. [ ]
    • Also consider architecture all .buildinfo files. [ ][ ]
In addition:
  • kpcyrd, for Alpine Linux, updated the script now that a patch for abuild had been released upstream. [ ]
  • Alexander Couzens of the OpenWrt project renamed the brcm47xx target to bcm47xx. [ ]
  • Mattia Rizzolo fixed the printing of the build environment during the second build [ ][ ][ ] and made a number of improvements to the script that deploys Jenkins across our infrastructure [ ][ ][ ].
Lastly, Vagrant Cascadian clarified in the documentation that you need to be user jenkins to run the blacklist command [ ] and the usual build node maintenance was performed was performed by Holger Levsen [ ][ ][ ], Mattia Rizzolo [ ][ ] and Vagrant Cascadian [ ][ ][ ].

Mailing list: There were a number of discussions on our mailing list this month: Paul Spooren started a thread titled Reproducible Builds Verification Format which reopens the discussion around a schema for sharing the results from distributed rebuilders:
To make the results accessible, storable and create tools around them, they should all follow the same schema, a reproducible builds verification format. The format tries to be as generic as possible to cover all open source projects offering precompiled source code. It stores the rebuilder results of what is reproducible and what not.
Hans-Christoph Steiner of the Guardian Project also continued his previous discussion regarding making our website translatable. Lastly, Leo Wandersleb posted a detailed request for feedback on a question of supply chain security and other issues of software review; Leo is the founder of the Wallet Scrutiny project which aims to prove the security of Android Bitcoin Wallets:
Do you own your Bitcoins or do you trust that your app allows you to use your coins while they are actually controlled by them ? Do you have a backup? Do they have a copy they didn t tell you about? Did anybody check the wallet for deliberate backdoors or vulnerabilities? Could anybody check the wallet for those?
Elsewhere, Leo had posted instructions on his attempts to reproduce the binaries for the BlueWallet Bitcoin wallet for iOS and Android platforms.

If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

This month s report was written by Bernhard M. Wiedemann, Chris Lamb, Holger Levsen, Jelle van der Waa and Vagrant Cascadian. It was subsequently reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC and the mailing list.

1 June 2020

Debian GSoC Kotlin project blog: Kotlin Update

A Quick Recap from last year: Kotlin is being packaged under the Google Summer of Code within the Debian organization itself. The major reason behind bringing Kotlin in Debian is to update all the Android packages which are now heavily dependent upon the Kotlin libraries. The major work to bring Kotlin into Debian is done for the version 1.3.30, by Saif Abdul Cassim (goes by m36 on IRC) as a part of his GSoC'2019. All his contributions to the team can be found in his blog posts. So, for now, we have a bootstrap package and a Kotlin package for the version with 1.3.30. There were still changes needed as we lacked some of the dependencies for Kotlin, and the source package lacked copyright information and didn t comply with Debian standards. What's the present year brought for Kotlin? To be specific the following were mainly left dependencies for Kotlin: And, we lack documentation for the newbies in order to get them started :( Most importantly the crucial part was and still is, to figure out how to upload the package? For GSoC'20, three students are selected as a part of project Android SDK tools in Debian. What's the work done/left? Work Done What's Blocking? What is the problem being faced? The Kotlin-Bootstrap package consists of JAR files for various dependencies of kotlin such as Gradle, kotlin compiler, and kotlinx. The package is added to the build-depends of the main package so that the JAR files can be provided. Since the kotlin-bootstrap consists of binaries (JAR files), it is not feasible to upload the package as free software. The other workaround was the Gradle 6.4 version, which consists of Kotlin files and generates a suitable JAR. But since the package needed Kotlin language itself, it was never updated, as it created a cyclic dependency. Final workaround came, which proposed Kotlin to build from itself, that was a pretty impressive suggestion. But, we still have to look if the solution is feasible? Because, as far as I last checked and conversed with ebourg on the mailing list here, Emmanuel Bbourg mentioned very clearly that the rebuilt package is our interest. So, this is under WIP. But, I fail to acknowledge the fact if we can drop the kotlin-bootstrap package totally, Kotlin will not be able to be built because each and every JAR file present in the bootstrap is needed. That pretty much is the ongoing work and the update on the kotlin package. We intend to bring Kotlin to the Debian Archive as soon as possible :) Have any queries or suggestions for Kotlin? Please feel to drop a message at #debian-mobile channel on OFTC.

23 May 2020

Reproducible Builds (diffoscope): diffoscope 145 released

The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 145. This version includes the following changes:
[ Chris Lamb ]
* Improvements:
  - Add support for Apple Xcode mobile provisioning .mobilepovision files.
    (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#113)
  - Add support for printing the signatures via apksigner(1).
    (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#121)
  - Use SHA256 over MD5 when generating page names for the HTML directory
    presenter, validate checksums for files referenced in .changes files
    using SHA256 too, and move to using SHA256 in "Too much input for diff"
    output too. (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#124)
  - Don't leak the full path of the temporary directory in "Command [..]
    exited with 1".  (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#126)
  - Identify "iOS App Zip archive data" files as .zip files.
    (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#116)
* Bug fixes:
  - Correct "differences" typo in the ApkFile handler.
    (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#127)
* Reporting/output improvements:
  - Never emit the same id="foo" TML anchor reference twice, otherwise
    identically-named parts will not be able to linked to via "#foo".
    (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#120)
  - Never emit HTML with empty "id" anchor lements as it is not possible to
    link to "#" (vs "#foo"). We use "#top" as a fallback value so it will
    work for the top-level parent container.
  - Clarify the message when we cannot find the "debian" Python module.
  - Clarify "Command [..] failed with exit code" to remove duplicate "exited
    with exit" but also to note that diffoscope is interpreting this as an
  - Add descriptions for the 'fallback' Debian module file types.
  - Rename the --debugger command-line argument to --pdb.
* Testsuite improvements:
  - Prevent CI (and runtime) apksigner test failures due to lack of
    binfmt_misc on Salsa CI and elsewhere.
* Codebase improvements:
  - Initially add a pair of comments to tidy up a slightly abstraction level
    violating code in diffoscope.comparators.mising_file and the
    .dsc/.buildinfo file handling, but replace this later by by inlining
    MissingFile's special handling of deb822 to prevent leaking through
    abstraction layers in the first place.
  - Use a BuildinfoFile (etc.) regardless of whether the associated files
    such as the orig.tar.gz and the .deb are present, but don't treat them as
    actual containers. (Re: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#122)
  - Rename the "Openssl" command class to "OpenSSLPKCS7" to accommodate other
    commands with this prefix.
  - Wrap a docstring across multiple lines, drop an inline pprint import and
    comment the HTMLPrintContext class, etc.
[ Emanuel Bronshtein ]
* Avoid build-cache in building the released Docker image.
  (Closes: reproducible-builds/diffoscope#123)
[ Holger Levsen ]
* Wrap long lines in older changelog entries.
You find out more by visiting the project homepage.

14 April 2020

Emmanuel Kasper: Recommended keyboard settings for Productivity and Usability, for European Programmers

TLDR: setxkbmap -layout us -variant altgr-intl and become a happier programmer.
The case for QWERTY for European ProgrammersIf you re working on Unix / Linux, or C based programming languages, it can make sense to switch to the qwerty(us) keyboard layout. Why ?
Unix, C, Perl, Java, and most of programming languages have been conceived on QWERTY keyboards.
So when the designers choose special characters to use for the language synthax, they simply choose what was easy to access on their own keyboard. This has been historically documented for the vi editor.

To give an example, using an Unix shell you have to type the dot . and slash / symbols quite often to navigate the filesystem. The two keys producing these symbols, are nicely aligned on a QWERTY layout and do not require a key combination to be entered. So you can quickly enter something like ../.. using a single hand.
Now using a QWERTZ layout, like in Germany / Austria, you have the . symbol easily accessible, but you need to combine two keys ( Shift + 7 ) to get a / .
And if you are a poor soul using an AZERTY layout, to get the . and / symbol you need each time a key combo.
The need of key combos is bad not only for speed (multiple keys to lookup) but also for usability, as you have to stretch your fingers to reach the key if using a single hand, provoking repetitive strain injury. You might be smiling but this is commonly known amongst Emacs Users, due to the prominent use of commands using Ctrl and Alt combos, and led to the creation of an Emacs Ergonomic wiki.

This goes as well for many symbol commonly used in programming languages, think for instance about the semicolon ; for terminating a statement, the [ , and ] symbols for defining an array, and the backslash \ for escaping.
All these keys are accessible via a single keypress on qwerty and require key combos on qwertz and azerty. No wonder Linux, Minix and BSD were invented on non-azerty layouts: in France we were still busy typing the path to the source code, when in other parts of the world people already had the file open in their editor.
You don t need to throw away your existing keyboards when learning the qwerty (us) layout: for a couple of euros, you can find on ebay alternate keys stickers to put on your laptop.
Accessing keys with diacritics with the AltGr International variantNow if you want to switch to a qwerty keyboard layout, and you re French or German, you might wonder how to access the characters with diacritics, the and of French and and of German.
Fortunately there is a very clever keyboard variant for the us layout who uses the AltGr key, to make all these keys accessible, just hiding them behind the AltGr key.
Need ? that s just AltGr + e away. Needs ? That s just AltGr + , Needs ? AltGr +p
See the coolness of that ? You can type all international diacritics in an easy way, and there are even keyboard stickers for that too.

Now how to access to this layout of wonder ?
You can configure the layout and variant in Xorg, in debian/ubuntu that would be entering in /etc/default/keyboard
After restarting the X server, you can check that the settings have been applied with
setxkbmap -print -verbose 10
If using Gnome, you can also set the keyboard layout and variant by changing the schema org.gnome.desktop-inputsources, which will override the desktop-agnostic settings of /etc/default/keyboard.
For this you can either call
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/sources "[('xkb', 'us+altgr-intl')]"
or navigate with the gui tool dconf-settings to org.gnome.desktop-inputsources and set the value there.

If you want to further improve your keyboard layout, you can also have a look at swapping Ctrl and Alt, as described here (French language article) Happy hacking !

12 April 2020

Emmanuel Kasper: Putting a Red Hat on

I am switching jobs, and after a two year stint as a full stack developer at BPMasters, I am joining Red Hat as a Technical Account Manager (Platform and Openshift). A good friend of a good friend already worked at Red Hat, and advised me to apply, which I did, and I am starting in May in Vienna, the place where I live.
I have heard that there is already a number of Debian Developers working for Red Hat, so if you happen to be one of them, I hope we ll get in touch !

23 March 2020

Emmanuel Kasper: Two Factor Authentification on gitlab with Yubikey

I wanted to have a working Two Factor Authentification (2FA) setup to login on, Debians s gitlab instance.
You might already know Two Factor Authentification via a One Time Password (OTP) generating app on your smartphone, like FreeOTP or Google Authenticator. But it is possible to use a physical device, and a keypress on the device is enough to authenticate (speed up things !). Here I am using a Yubikey 4, a popular USB device for Two Factor Authentification which is officially supported by gitlab, and whose tooling is well packaged in Debian.
Get to know the deviceInstall the needed packages to work with the yubikey
# apt install yubikey-manager libu2f-host0
List connected devices on your usb bus:
$ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 109: ID 1050:0407 Yubikey 4 OTP+U2F+CCID
Get info about the device capability
$ ykman info
Device type: YubiKey 4
Serial number: 1234567
Firmware version: 4.3.7
Enabled USB interfaces: OTP+FIDO+CCID
OTP Enabled
FIDO U2F Enabled
OpenPGP Enabled
PIV Enabled
OATH Enabled
FIDO2 Not available
The capability which interests us here is FIDO U2F. The Yubikey 4 supports Two Factor Authentification via the U2F standard, and this standard is maintained by the FIDO Industry Association, hence the name. As I plan to only use the FIDO U2F capability of the key, I set FIDO to be the single mode of the key.
ykman mode FIDO
Testing web browser interaction with Yubico demo systemNow we need to have to have a browser with support for the U2F standard. Firefox has builtin support since Version 67. Debian 10 Buster has firefox-esr Version 68, so that will work. For testing yubikeys, the manufacturer has a demo website, where you can test U2F. Go to and follow the Explore the Yubikey link.
Once there you will be asked to register an account on yubicom s demo systems, to which you will add the Yubikey as an Authenticating Device. After that you can add your security key. First step will be to register the device, which will require a light touch on the Yubikey button, and acceptance of this Firefox warning Window, as the demo website wants to know the model of the device.

Firefox message on the yubikey demo site. A normal site with U2F would not require the extended information, and have a simpler popup message.
As soon as the device is registered, you can login and logout and you will be prompted again to lightly touch the Yubikey button to authenticate, in addition to the classical login / password.
Using U2F on gitlabWhen you want to register your yubikey for logging on salsa, you need first to register a One Time Password device in Settings -> Account -> Manage two-factor authentication, and Register Universal Two-Factor (U2F) Device. After the usual Firefox Popup, and the light touch on the key button, that'it you have a fast, and reliable Two Factor Authentification !
ConclusionEach time I have to look on anything close to cryptography / authentification, it is a terminology avalanche. Here we had already 2FA, OTP, U2F, FIDO. And now there is FIDO2 too. It is the next version of the U2F standard, but this time it was named after the standardizing organization, FIDO. The web browser part of FIDO2 is called Webauthn. Also sometimes the whole FIDO2 is called Webauthn too. Easy to get, isn t it ?

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (January and February 2020)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

22 March 2020

Emmanuel Kasper: Big Iron UNIX emulated on ARM

I have somewhere in the basement a DEC Vax workstation, but in the end it was a bigger fun to run an emulated Vax 11/780 (size of two refrigerators) in Beagle Bone Black (size of a big matchbox). For this I used the Dockerfiles available in this git repo using the simh emulator, and tweaked a bit for ARM.
I recorded the boot sequence with the very nice asciinema, also available in the Debian archive, so here is 4.3 BSD, in all its 1986 glory.

22 July 2017

Norbert Preining: Making fun of Trump thanks France

I mean, it is easy to make fun of Trump, he is just too stupid and incapable and uneducated. But what the French president Emmanuel Macron did on Bastille Day, in presence of the usual Trumpies, was just above the usual level of making fun of Trump. The French made Trump watch a French band playing a medley of Daft Punk. And as we know Trump seemed to be very unimpressed, most probably because he doesn t have a clue. I mean, normally you play these pathetic rubbish, look at the average US (or Chinese or North Korean) parades, and here we have the celebration of an event much older then anything the US can put on the table, and they are playing Daft Punk! France, thanks. You made my day actually not only one!

22 April 2017

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo: Debian GNU/Linux port for RISC-V 64-bit (riscv64)

This is a post describing my involvement with the Debian GNU/Linux port for RISC-V (unofficial and not endorsed by Debian at the moment) and announcing the availability of the repository (still very much WIP) with packages built for this architecture. If not interested in the story but you want to check the repository, just jump to the bottom. Roots A while ago, mostly during 2014, I was involved in the Debian port for OpenRISC (or1k) about which I posted (by coincidence) exactly 2 years ago. The two of us working on the port stopped in August or September of that year, after knowing that the copyright of the code to add support for this architecture in GCC would not be assigned to the FSF, so it would never be added to GCC upstream unless the original authors changed their mind (which they didn't) or there was a clean-room reimplementation (which didn't happen so far). But a few other key things contributed to the decision to stop working on that port, which bear direct relationship to this story. One thing that particularly influenced me to stop working on it was a sense of lack of purpose, all things considered, for the OpenRISC port that we were working on. For example, these chips are sometimes used as part of bigger devices by Samsung to control or wake up other chips; but it was not clear whether there would ever be devices with OpenRISC as the main chip, specially in devices powerful enough to run Linux or similar kernels, and Debian on top. One can use FPGAs to synthesise OpenRISC or1k, but these are slow, and expensive when using lots of memory. Without prospects of having hardware easily available to users, there's not much point in having a whole Debian port ready to run on hardware that never comes to be. Yeah, sure, it's fun to create such a port, but it's tons of work to maintain and keep it up to-date forever, and with close to zero users it's very unrewarding. Another thing that contributed to decide to stop is that, at least in my opinion, 32-bit was not future-proof enough for general purpose computing, specially for new devices and ports starting to take off on that time and age. There was some incipient work to create another OpenRISC design for 64-bits, but it was still in an early phase. My secret hope and ultimate goal was to be able to run as much a free-ish computer as possible as my main system. Still today many people are buying and using 32-bit devices, like small boards; but very few use it as their main computer or servers for demanding workloads or complex services. So for me, even if feasible if one is very austere and dedicated, OpenRISC or1k failed that test. And lastly, another thing happened at the time... Enter RISC-V In August 2014, at the point when we were fully acknowledging the problem of upstreaming (or rather, lack thereof) the support for OpenRISC in GCC, RISC-V was announced to the world, bringing along papers with suggestive titles such as Instruction Sets Should Be Free: The Case For RISC-V (pdf) and articles like RISC-V: An Open Standard for SoCs - The case for an open ISA in EE Times. RISC-V (as the previous RISC-n marks) had been designed (or rather, was being designed, because it was and is an as yet unfinished standard) by people from UC Berkeley, including David Patterson, the pioneer of RISC computer designs and co-author of the seminal book Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach . Other very capable people are also also leading the project, doing the design and legwork to make it happen see the list of contributors. But, apart from throwing names, the project has many other merits. Similarly to OpenRISC, RISC-V is an open instruction set architecture (ISA), but with the advantage of being designed in more recent times (thus avoiding some mistakes and optimising for problems discovered more recently, as technology evolves); with more resources; with support for instruction widths of 32, 64 and even 128 bits; with a clean set of standard but optional extensions (atomics, float, double, quad, vector, ...); and with reserved space to add new extensions in ordered and compatible ways. In the view of some people in the OpenRISC community, this unexpected development in a way made irrelevant the ongoing update of OpenRISC for 64-bits, and from what I know and for better or worse, all efforts on that front stopped. Also interestingly (if nothing else, for my purposes of running as much a free system as possible), was that the people behind RISC-V had strong intentions to make it useful to create modern hardware, and were pushing heavily towards it from the beginning. And together with this announcement or soonly after, it came the promise of free-ish hardware in the form of the lowRISC project. Although still today it seems to be a long way from actually shipping hardware, at least there was some prospect of getting it some day. On top of all that, about the freedom aspect, both the Berkeley and lowRISC teams engaged since very early on with the free hardware community, including attending and presenting at OpenRISC events; and lowRISC intended to have as much free hardware as possible in their planned SoC. Starting to work on the Debian port, this time for RISC-V So in late 2014 I slowly started to prepare the Debian port, switching on and off. The Userland spec was frozen in 2014 just before the announcement, the Privilege one is still not frozen today, so there was no need to rush. There were plans to upstream the support in the toolchain for RISC-V (GNU binutils, glibc and GCC; Linux and other useful software like Qemu) in 2015, but sadly these did not materialise until late 2016 and 2017. One of the main reasons for the delay was due to the slowness to sort out the copyright assignment of the code to the FSF (again). Still today, only binutils and GCC are upstreamed, and Linux and glibc depend on the Privilege spec being finished, so it will take a while. After the experience with OpenRISC and the support in GCC, I didn't want to invest too much time, lest it all became another dead-end due to lack of upstreaming so I was just cross-compiling here and there, testing Qemu (which still today is very limited for this architecture, e.g. no network support and very limited character and block devices) and trying to find and report bugs in the implementations, and send patches (although I did not contribute much in the end). Incompatible changes in the toolchain In terms of compiling packages and building-up a repository, things were complicate, and less mature and stable than the OpenRISC ones were even back in 2014. In theory, with the Userland spec being frozen, regular programs (below the Operating System level) compiled at any time could have run today; but in practice what happened is that there were several rounds of profound or, at least, disrupting changes in the toolchain before and while being upstreamed, which made the binary packages that I had built to not work at all (changes in dynamic loader, registers where arguments are stored when jumping functions, etc.). These major breakages happened several times already, and kind of unexpectedly at least for the people not heavily involved in the implementation. When the different pieces are upstreamed it is expected that these breakages won't happen; but still there's at least the fundamental bit of glibc, which will probably change things once again in incompatible ways before or while being upstreamed. Outside Debian but within the FOSS / Linux world, the main project that I know of is that some people from Fedora also started a port in mid 2016 and did great advances, but from what I know they put the project in the freezer in late 2016 until all such problems are resolved they don't want to spend time rebootstrapping again and again. What happened recently on the Debian front In early 2016 I created the page for RISC-V in the Debian wiki, expecting that things were at last fully stable and the important bits of the toolchain upstreamed during that year I was too optimistic. Some other people (including Debian folks) have been contributing for a while, in the wiki, mailing lists and IRC channels, and in the RISC-V project mailing lists you will see their names everywhere. However, due to the combination of lack of hardware, software not upstreamed and shortcomings of emulators (chiefly Qemu) make contributions hard and very tedious, nothing much happened recently visible to the outside world in terms of software. The private repository-in-the-making In late 2015 and beginning of 2016, having some free time in my hands and expecting that all things would coalesce quickly, I started to build a repository of binary packages in a more systematic way, with most of the basic software that one can expect in a basic Debian system (including things common to all Linux systems, and also specific Debian software like dpkg or apt, and even aptitude!). After that I also built many others outside the basic system (more than 1000 source packages and 2000 or 3000 arch-dependent binary packages in total), specially popular libraries (e.g. boost, gtk+ version 2 and 3), interpreters (several versions of lua, perl and python, also version 2 and 3) and in general packages that are needed to build many other packages (like doxygen). Unfortunately, some of these most interesting packages do not compile cleanly (more because of obscure or silly errors than proper porting), so they are not included at the moment. I intentionally avoided trying to compile thousands of packages in the archive which would be of nobody's use at this point; but many more could be compiled without much effort. About the how, initially I started cross-compiling and using rebootstrap, which was of great help in the beginning. Some of the packages that I cross-compiled had bugs that I did not know how to debug without a live and native (within emulators) system, so I tried to switch to natively built packages very early on. For that I needed many packages built natively (like doxygen or cmake) which would be unnecessary if I remained cross-compiling the host tools would be used in that case. But this also forced me to eat my own dog food, which even if much slower and tedious, it was on the whole a more instructive experience; and above all, it helped to test and make sure that the the tools and the whole stack was working well enough to build hundreds of packages. Why the repository-in-the-making was private Until now I did not attempt to make the repository available on-line, for several reasons. First because it would be kind of useless to publish files that were not working or would soon not work, due to the incompatible changes in the toolchain, rendering many or most of the packages built useless. And because, for many months now, I expected that things would stabilise and to have something stable really soon now but this didn't happen yet. Second because of lack of resources and time since mid 2016, and because I got some packages only compiled thanks to (mostly small and unimportant, but undocumented and unsaved) hacks, often working around temporary bugs and thus not worth sending upstream; but I couldn't share the binaries without sharing the full source and fulfill licenses like the GNU GPL. I did a new round of clean rebuilds in the last few weeks, just finished, the result is close to 1000 arch-dependent packages. And third, because of lack of demand. This changed in the last few weeks, when other people started to ask me to share the results even if incomplete or not working properly (I had one request in the past, but couldn't oblige in time at the time). Finally, the work so far: repository now on-line So finally, with the great help from Kurt Keville from MIT, and Bytemark sponsoring a machine where most of the packages were built, here we have the repository: The lines for /etc/apt/sources.list are:
 deb [ arch=riscv64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg ] unstable main
 deb-src [ signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg ] unstable main
The repository is signed with my key as Debian Developer, contained in the file /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg, which is part of the package debian-keyring (available from Debian and derivatives). WARNING!! This repository, though, is very much WIP, incomplete (some package dependencies cannot be fulfilled, and it's only a small percentage of the Debian archive, not trying to be comprehensive at the moment) and probably does not work at all in your system at this point, for the following reasons: The combination of all these shortcomings is specially unfortunate, because without glibc provided it will be difficult that you can get the binaries to run at all; but there are some packages that are arch-dependent but not too tied to libc or the dynamic loader will not be affected. At least you can try one the few static packages present in Debian, like the one in the package bash-static. When one removes moving parts like the dynamic loader and libc, since the basic machine instructions are stable for several years now, it should work, but I wouldn't discard some dark magic that prevents even static binaries from working. Still, I hope that the respository in its current state is useful to some people, at least for those who requested it. If one has the environment set-up, it's easy to unpack the contents of the .deb files and try out the software (which often is not trivial or very slow to compile, or needs lots of dependencies to be built first first). ... and finally, even if not useful at all for most people at the moment, by doing this I also hope that efforts like this spark your interest to contribute to free software, free hardware, or both! :-)

28 February 2017

Gunnar Wolf: Much belated book presentation, this Saturday

Once again, I'm making an announcement mainly for my local circle of friends and (gasp!) followers. For those of you over 100Km away from Mexico City, please disregard this message. Back in July 2015, and after two years of hard work, my university finished the publishing step of my second book. This is a textbook for the subject I teach at Computer Engineering: Operating Systems Fundamentals. The book is, from its inception, fully available online under a permissive (CC-BY) license. One of the books aimed contributions is to present a text natively written in Spanish. Besides, our goal (I coordinated a team of authors, working with two colleagues from Rosario, Argentina, and one from Cauca, Colombia) was to provide a book students can easily and legally share with no legal issues. I have got many good reviews so far, and after teaching based on it for four years (while working on it and after its publication), I can attest the material is light enough to fit in a Bachelors level degree, while it's deep enough to make our students sweat healthily ;-) Anyway: I have been scheduled to present the book at my university's main book show, 38 Feria Internacional del Libro del Palacio de Miner a this Saturday, 2017.03.04 16:00; Sal n Manuel Tols . What's even better: This time, I won't be preparing a speech! The book will be presented by my two very good friends, Jos Mar a Serralde and Rolando Cedillo. Both of them are clever, witty, fun, and a real honor to work with. Of course, having them present our book is more than a double honor. So, everybody who can make it: FIL Miner a is always great and fun. Come share the love! Come have a book! Or, at least, have a good time and a nice chat with us!

8 February 2017

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo: FOSDEM 2017: People, RISC-V and ChaosKey

This year, for the first time, I attended FOSDEM. There I met... People ... including: I met new people in: ... from the first hour to the last hour of my stay in Brussels. In summary, lots of people around. I also hoped to meet or spend some (more) time with a few people, but in the end I didn't catch them, our could not spend as much time with them as I would wish. For somebody like me who enjoys quiet time by itsef, it was a bit too intensive in terms of interacting with people. But overall it was a nice winter break, definitely worth to attend, and even a much better experience than what I had expected. Talks / Events Of course, I also attended a few talks, some of which were very interesting; although the event is so (sometimes uncomfortably) crowded that the rooms were full more often than not, in which case it was not possible to enter (the doors were closed) or there were very long queues for waiting. And with so many talks crammed into a weekend, I had so many schedule clashes with the talks that I had pre-selected as interesting, that I ended up missing most of them. In terms of technical stuff, I have specially enjoyed the talk by Arun Thomas RISC-V -- Open Hardware for Your Open Source Software, and some conversations related with toolchain stuff and other upstream stuff, as well as on the Debian port for RISC-V. The talk Resurrecting dinosaurs, what can possibly go wrong? -- How Containerised Applications could eat our users, by Richard Brown, was also very good. ChaosKey Apart from that, I have witnessed a shady cash transaction in a bus from the city centre to FOSDEM in exchange for hardware, not very unlike what I had read about only days before. So I could not help but to get involved in a subsequent transaction myself, to get my hands laid upon a ChaosKey.

16 January 2017

Maria Glukhova: APK, images and other stuff.

2 more weeks of my awesome Outreachy journey have passed, so it is time to make an update on my progress. I continued my work on improving diffoscope by fixing bugs and completing wishlist items. These include:

Improving APK support I worked on #850501 and #850502 to improve the way diffoscope handles APK files. Thanks to Emanuel Bronshtein for providing clear description on how to reproduce these bugs and ideas on how to fix them. And special thanks to Chris Lamb for insisting on providing tests for these changes! That part actually proved to be little more tricky, and I managed to mess up with these tests (extra thanks to Chris for cleaning up the mess I created). Hope that also means I learned something from my mistakes. Also, I was pleased to see F-droid Verification Server as a sign of F-droid progress on reproducible builds effort - I hope these changes to diffoscope will help them!

Adding support for image metadata That came from #849395 - a request was made to compare image metadata along with image content. Diffoscope has support for three types of images: JPEG, MS Windows Icon (*.ico) and PNG. Among these, PNG already had good image metadata support thanks to sng tool, so I worked on .jpeg and .ico files support. I initially tried to use exiftool for extracting metadata, but then I discovered it does not handle .ico files, so I decided to use a bigger force - ImageMagick s identify - for this task. I was glad to see it had that handy -format option I could use to select only the necessary fields (I found their -verbose, well, too verbose for the task) and presenting them in the defined form, negating the need of filtering its output. What was particulary interesting and important for me in terms of learning: while working on this feature, I discovered that, at the moment, diffoscope could not handle .ico files at all - img2txt tool, that was used for retrieving image content, did not support that type of images. But instead of recognizing this as a bug and resolving it, I started to think of possible workaround, allowing for retrieving image metadata even after retrieving image content failed. Definetely not very good thinking. Thanks Mattia Rizzolo for actually recognizing this as a bug and filing it, and Chris Lamb for fixing it!

Other work

Order-like differences, part 2 In the previous post, I mentioned Lunar s suggestion to use hashing for finding order-like difference in wide variety of input data. I implemented that idea, but after discussion with my mentor, we decided it is probably not worth it - this change would alter quite a lot of things in core modules of diffoscope, and the gain would be not really significant. Still, implementing that was an important experience for me, as I had to hack on deepest and, arguably, most difficult modules of diffoscope and gained some insight on how they work.

Comparing with several tools (work in progress) Although my initial motivation for this idea was flawed (the workaround I mentioned earlier for .ico files), it still might be useful to have a mechanism that would allow to run several commands for finding difference, and then give the output of those that succeed, failing if and only if they all have failed. One possible case when it might happen is when we use commands coming from different tools, and one of them is not installed. It would be nice if we still used the other and not the uninformative binary diff (that is a default fallback option for when something goes wrong with more clever comparison). I am still in process of polishing this change, though, and still in doubt if it is needed at all.

Side note - Outreachy and my university progress In my Outreachy application, I promised that if I am selected into this round, I will do everything I can to unload the required time period from my university time commitements. I did that by moving most of my courses to the first half of the academic year. Now, the main thing that is left for me to do is my Master s thesis. I consulted my scientific advisors from both universities that I am formally attending (SFEDU and LUT - I am in double degree program), and as a result, they agreed to change my Master s thesis topic to match my Outreachy work. Now, that should have sounded like an excellent news - merging these activities together actually mean I can allocate much more time to my work on reproducible builds, even beyond the actual internship time period. That was intended to remove a burden from my shoulders. Still, I feel a bit uneasy. The drawback of this decision lies in fact I have no idea on how to write scientific report based on pure practical work. I know other students from my universities have done such things before, but choosing my own topic means my scientific advisors can t help me much - this is just out of their area of expertise. Well, wish me luck - I m up to the challenge!

29 December 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 87 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday December 18 and Saturday December 24 2016: Media coverage 100% Of The 289 Coreboot Images Are Now Built Reproducibly by Phoronix, with more details in German by We have further reports on our Reproducible Builds World summit #2 in Berlin from Rok Garbas of NixOS as well as Clemens Lang of MacPorts Debian infrastructure work Dak now archives buildinfo files thanks to a patch from Chris Lamb. We also have mostly finalised a design of how they will be distributed by the Debian FTP mirror network which we will start implementing soon. This is great for the future of Debianb but unfortunately this also means that we won't have .buildinfo files for Stretch as Debian will not rebuild its source packages and because these binary packages currently in the archive were mostly built with dpkg > 1.18.11. reprepro/5.0.0-1 has added support for dealing with .buildinfo files that are included in .changes files. (Closes: #843402) Reproducible work in other projects The Chromium project is now working on making their build process (mostly) deterministic. Their motivation is to save both "[money] (less hardware is required) and developer time (reduced latency by having less work to do on the TS and CI)". Unreproducible bugs filed Reviews of unreproducible packages 39 package reviews have been added, 75 have been updated and 44 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 2 issue types have been updated: Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, some FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development diffoscope 66 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included contributions from: strip-nondeterminism development strip-nondeterminism 0.029-1 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included no new content from this week, but rather included contributions from previous weeks. reproducible-website development The website is now also accessible via the URL. Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Holger Levsen & Chris Lamb and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC and the mailing lists.

15 December 2016

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 85 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday December 4 and Saturday December 10 2016: Toolchain development and fixes Anders Kaseorg opened a pull request to asciidoc upstream, to make it generate reproducible documentation. (#782294) Bugs filed Chris Lamb: Clint Adams: Dafydd Harries: Robbie Harwood: Valerie R Young: Reviews of unreproducible packages 47 package reviews have been added, 84 have been updated and 3 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. 1 new issue type has been added: lessc_captures_build_path Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, some FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development Chris Lamb fixed a division-by-zero in the progress bar, split out trydiffoscope into a separate package, and made some performance enhancements. Maria Glukhova fixed build issues with Python 3.4 strip-nondeterminism development Anders Kaseorg added support for .par files, by allowing them to be treated as Zip archives; and Chris Lamb improved some documentation. reprotest development Ximin Luo added the ability to vary the build time using faketime, as well as other code quality improvements and cleanups. He also discovered a little-known fact about faketime - that it also modifies filesystem timestamps by default. He submitted a PR to libfaketime upstream to improve the documentation on this, which was quickly accepted, and also disabled this feature in reprotest's own usage of faketime. development There was further work on code. Chris Lamb added support for buildinfo format 0.2 and made rejection notices clearer; and Emanuel Bronshtein fixed some links to use HTTPS. Misc. This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC and via email.

5 December 2016

Markus Koschany: My Free Software Activities in November 2016

Welcome to Here is my monthly report that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you. Debian Android Debian Games Debian Java Debian LTS This was my ninth month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 11 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Rapha l Hertzog. In that time I did the following: Non-maintainer uploads It is already this time of the year again. See you next year for another report.

